samedi 3 janvier 2015

1998 BMW 328i e36 Automatic - General Advice on Mods and Transmission Issue

Hey guys, I picked up a 1998 BMW 328i e36 with an Auto transmission about 3 months ago and I absolutely love it.

Really interested in getting some new spark plugs, an m50 intake manifold, and maybe a CAI because at the movement the car feels slightly sluggish to me - especially from a standstill..

That being said,

I was driving hard the other day in sports-mode, and came across an issue which has never happened since.

Basically when the revs had almost relined, the transmission really struggled to change gears, and slightly jerked the car ( as soon as i took my foot slightly off the floor it changed gears without an issue).

Not really to sure what caused this, but I would really appreciate any input on what it may be, and whether or not any of the mods listed above would be worthwhile in an Automatic..

Thanks again!

1998 BMW 328i e36 Automatic - General Advice on Mods and Transmission Issue

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