mercredi 29 octobre 2014

E30 E30 AC SCHNITZER front spoilers + fitting instructions


What i have to offer you is brand new high quality, made using special flexible resin fiberglass replica of early model (metal bumper) AC Schnitzer front spoiler.

The fitment is good, the mold was taken with the spoiler on the metal bumper.

Price- 300 usd shipped worldwide.

Some pictures of the product:

PM or

Many people asked me how good does the part fit and how it should be installed so I made some photos of the installing process to make it easier for you.

Basically the same instructions apply when fitting Mtech 1 spoiler or repilca.

When your bumper is removed from the car, you will need:


Drill bits

4 M8 screws and nuts

Dremel tool (for enlarging the holes and cutting)

Clip installing tool (I made my own)

Heat gun (only if installing fog lights)

I am not responsible for any damage following my given steps!

It took me 1,5 hours to fit this spoiler to the bumper and install fog light brackets. It will take you less time because I had to figure out why the fog light brackets didn't fit straight away- more on this later.

When you have your bumper removed from the car, remove the rubbing strips and indicators by using 7mm bit on the indicators and needle nose pliers for the clips retaining the rubbing strips.

The spoiler comes with no holes, mark the outline (visible on the spoiler) with an Sharpie marker.

Then drill some holes (starting with smaller drill bit and finishing with 10mm drill bit), also you can use Dremel tool to enlarge the holes in this step.

Then you will need 4 M8 screws, nuts and shims (I have 6 because I don't have the bumper brackets at the moment)

Fasten the spoiler by gradually tightening the screws.

Then you will need your indicators and rubbing strips (notice the rubbing strips are slightly modified).

The lower part needs to be cut off just like when fitting original or replica Mtech 1 front spoiler. I used my angle grinder for this.

Original rubbing strip is on top, modified is the lower one.

Next you flip your rubbing strips and grind down the reinforcing ribs in the 6 spots where clips attach them to the metal bumper. I used my angle grinder. Pictures show the original vs modified.

Insert your clips and prepare to install the rubbing strips on your bumper.

I do have my handy clip tool I made myself. Makes it so much easier.

Rubbing strips are in place. Next you fasten down your indicators using 7 mm bit.

Next you will have to drill 6 holes (3 on each side) for the fog light brackets. Seen on the spoiler (marked red to highlight them)

Then I noticed that the fog light bracket will not fit! I discovered that the adjusting screw bracket is too big to fit in the fog light place in the spoiler. First I thought that it could be an problem with the replica.

I took a look at the original spoiler and the bracket would not fit too.

The solution for this is to grind off few mm of the brackets end. I used my angle grinder.

The bracket now fits fine in the original spoiler. Due to the replica being made of fiberglass it is not as flexible as the original plastic one. So you will have to cut some mm of the other side of the brackets tip.

Next I used my heat gun to carefully (do not overheat or the part will loose its form or the gasket will melt) heat the brackets end that doesn't have the adjusting screw.

When the bracket is heated insert the end with the adjusting screw in one hole. The other end will have to be pushed in. It will nicely clip in place.

With all of this done I took some more photos.

Hope this helps someone.

E30 E30 AC SCHNITZER front spoilers + fitting instructions

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