mardi 30 septembre 2014

Xinline6x's 845 WHP e34 wagon. RKTUNES ftw.

I'm posting this on behalf of user : Xinline6x

The car is running ALL stock fuel lines on E85. It is one of 10+ customers i have doing this. 0 issues so far.

fuel system is - Walbro 485, Aeromotive regulator, Bimmerworld FPR block off plate, E85 safe fuel filter.

he is on a BASE tune. with zero revisions so far.

6466, ar-design header, RKTunes 115lb e85 tune (he also has a pump gas tune!)

Jordan Drives this car everyday. The reason he got a wagon was so he could fit all the equipment for his job!

the car was dynoed at Church automotive in California.

Xinline6x's 845 WHP e34 wagon. RKTUNES ftw.

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