mardi 24 mars 2015

E46 soft brake pedal

We've been struggling with a soft brake pedal on the SpecE46 for the last two track events. When the car is off the pedal is firm and grabs right at the top. However, when the car turns on it seems as if the booster is over boosting the brakes and the pedal travels halfway through its travel before the brakes start to grab. It's quite an annoying issue because all of our other bmw track cars have had high, firm pedals that grab up top with the car running.

We have replaced the piston seals, dust boots, brass guides, master cylinder, ensured there were no leaks. We have pressure bled it, hand bled it, taken it to a shop to cycle ABS, took it to a second shop for another opinion and nobody could pinpoint a problem. The brakes stop great, its just way too far down on the pedal travel. I've dealt with bad boosters before, but have never heard of a booster overboosting brakes before. I have only heard of them loosing vacuum and making the brakes almost like manual brakes, which leaves me stumped.

Any ideas?

E46 soft brake pedal

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